Zombie 400 is an intriguing film creation developed by the collaboration between FilmNeverDie and Mr. Negative. This unique film brings together a chilling blend of desaturated colors and a distinct, pronounced grain that gives your photographs an eerie and captivating aesthetic. It's a must-try for photography enthusiasts looking to experiment with a new and exciting medium. Be sure to grab a roll of Zombie 400 while it's available, and experience the haunting allure it brings to your images before it slips away!
Made from recycled film canisters
Zombie 400 is an intriguing film creation developed by the collaboration between FilmNeverDie and Mr. Negative. This unique film brings together a chilling blend of desaturated colors and a distinct, pronounced grain that gives your photographs an eerie and captivating aesthetic. It's a must-try for photography enthusiasts looking to experiment with a new and exciting medium. Be sure to grab a roll of Zombie 400 while it's available, and experience the haunting allure it brings to your images before it slips away!
Made from recycled film canisters